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Methodology And General Of Scientifics Principles Of Nature-Conformed Pedagogics

The research uses a new methodology for understanding the phenomenon of human life, within which functions of description, comparison, interpretation, explanation and forecast are performed. Changes in the structure of pedagogical cognition, that aims to get objective knowledge about a human being, have been shown in the article. General scientific methodological principles that form the systemic basis of nature-conformed pedagogics and their connections providing the gaining of knowledge about it and strengthening of structure of this basis the being created theory of psychobiology of a human being and empirical knowledge are leaned on have been defined. The natural approach is grounded as the basis of social pedagogy, which opens the prospects for the development of both the individual and the education system of any country. Legitimate implications, a didactic principle and general provisions, concretizing the prospects for the development of education, are derived.

Keywords: methodological principles, perspectives of pedagogical cognition, the principle of correspondence as the basis of pedagogical technologies cultivation.


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