Competence Approach to the Formation |И of Humanitarian Culture of the Future Teachers | of a Foreign Language

Changes in the modern society put forward the task of humanizing the teaching and educational process, and, (L accordingly, the formation o f the humanitarian culture o f the individual. The authors o f the article in the content o f the student's human culture include a set o f universal human ideas, value orientations, creative ways o f professional activity, formed humanitarian qualities; competence approach is considered to be a methodological basis for the formation of the humanitarian culture of students in the process of teaching a foreign language. The effectiveness o f using the competence approach to the formation o f a student's culture in the process o f teaching a foreign language is achieved by the following technological support: a textbook as the main means of instruction; realization of the personalityoriented paradigm o f teaching a foreign language, designed to form a humanitarian culture o f the individual through the prism o f combating the manifestation of selfishness, cruelty, loss o f moral reference points in a cultural society; creation o f situations o f real intercultural communication, providing the practice o f interpersonal interaction, which guarantees the successful teaching o f a foreign language in the humanitarian context; introduction of special courses designed to enhance the humanitarian culture o f the students' personality through their acquaintance with humanitarian-oriented samples o f human culture.

Keywords: student's humanitarian culture, teaching a foreign language, competence approach, technological support, textbook, paradigm, situations o f intercultural communication, special course.

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