The System of Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of the Principles of Thinking of the Primary Schoolchild The article

The article deals with the concept o f "principles o f thinking" and its role in the life of modern man. The necessity of developing skills o f solving open tasks in the educational process is substantiated, based on the identified contradictions between the demands of modern society and the level of quality o f education. The inconsistency o f identification of intellect and thinking is proved. Based on the analysis of scientific-theoretical sources and innovative practices, allocated pedagogical conditions and possibilities o f development o f principles of thinking o f the primary schoolchild. The author presents practical experience o f developing a model o f the primary education system, focused on the development of cognitive abilities o f one o f the educational organizations o f the city of Novosibirsk.

Keywords: culture, thinking, principles o f thinking, closed task, open task, pedagogical conditions, style o f relationships, content of education.

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