Course for Choice in Teaching Linguistically Gifted School Students

In this article the author places the emphasis that linguistically gifted pupils have to own debatable abilities, metacommunication signals, know the main strategy and tactics of foreign-language communication, school students learn about it from the course for choice developed by the researcher "Russian and the English speech etiquette: similarities and distinctions". In the conditions of the additional foreign-language education (AFLE) the teacher of a foreign language (FL) trains linguistically gifted pupils to use metacommunication means correctly, forms dialogical and polylogical abilities in them that promotes the identification of contradictions of the sociocultural plan, promotion of the arguments and counterarguments, forming the logic of the argument of a position of the speaker. Training linguistically gifted school students of the communicative activity assumes the knowledge of socially fixed stereotypes helping to establish and keep up contacts, exchange information in a FL. Teaching a FL in the conditions of AFLE is a difficult, complex, system process which essence help to disclose the purposes and tasks, humanitarian contents and methods of studying a FL and foreign-language literature on classes of a FL and in out-of-class activities. While training a FL, at the lessons of the course for choice «The Russian and the English speech etiquette: similarities and distinctions» developed by the researcher, in out-of-class work the pupils seized a set of social values step by step which generalized their inner world, contributed to the development their humanitarian culture (HC). On the basis of the reflexive perception of an object of knowledge, its development through a prism of pupils’ own experience and valuable installations the students exchanged their experiences, thoughts successfully that exerted very strongly the impact on the results of their comprehension of HC and the valuable relations.

Keywords: a foreign language, etiquette, humanitarian culture, a linguistically gifted school student, additional foreign-language education, metacommunication means.

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