Community "Virtual Travelers" in Primary School

This article presents the experience of the "student-teacher-parent" community, its role in organizing and conducting virtual tours with the goal of forming representations of a holistic picture of the world, increasing cognitive activity, forming various types of universal educational activities in the context of standard. The authors of the article analyzed the conceptual field on the topic of the article, established the connection between the needs of the modern student and the state's regulatory requirements. The article presents the results of a survey of schoolchildren and teachers on the attitude to virtual travel. The development of a virtual community requires special efforts from all its participants. The contribution of students, their parents and teachers to the creation and conduct of virtual tours is described in detail in the text. At the end of the article, a conclusion was made about the significance of virtual communities, their advantages, taking into account the risks and complexities of creation. Keywords: community, virtual journey, excursion, cognitive activity, universal educational activities. This article presents the experience of the "student-teacher-parent" community, its role in organizing and conducting virtual tours with the goal of forming representations of a holistic picture of the world, increasing cognitive activity, forming various types of universal educational activities in the context of standard. The authors of the article analyzed the conceptual field on the topic of the article, established the connection between the needs of the modern student and the state's regulatory requirements. The article presents the results of a survey of schoolchildren and teachers on the attitude to virtual travel. The development of a virtual community requires special efforts from all its participants. The contribution of students, their parents and teachers to the creation and conduct of virtual tours is described in detail in the text. At the end of the article, a conclusion was made about the significance of virtual communities, their advantages, taking into account the risks and complexities of creation.

Keywords: community, virtual journey, excursion, cognitive activity, universal educational activities.

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