Influence of the Subscription of Childhood on the Development of the Personality of the Child

Junior school age is one of the most important periods in a person's life. At this time, there is a primary socialization, the formation of the personality, the beginning of the formation of self-esteem, the formation of the basic features of personality and qualities. The formation and development of the child's personality is influenced by physiological and mental characteristics, environmental characteristics, social environment. At children of younger school age there is an improvement of cognitive processes and the higher mental functions. At this age, there is a conscious formation of personality: the assimilation of the basic forms of human culture, moral norms, awareness of the motives of social behavior, the significance of evaluation. In modern society, the subculture of childhood is substantially transformed and has a significant educational potential. The child is a part and subject of the childhood subculture. Components of modern childhood subculture: play, word creation, philosophizing, creativity. The author presents the results of measurements of the modern components of the childhood subculture on the development of the child's personality. The child subculture provides the child with behavioral strategies in various situations, helps to absorb social norms and traditions, helps with peers and partly with adults, helps to find ways of self-expression and self-realization, helps to acquire various social roles and social experience.

Keywords: child's subculture, child, child's personality, personality development, junior schoolchildren, components of childhood subculture.

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