The Conditions for Reading Texts in the Learning Process

This article deals with reading text as a sense-carrier. Such an arrangement emphasizes the actuality of the problem of meaning changing in today's education: from the scientific needs of society only in the consumption of knowledge to comprehend meanings, the development of one's own attitude to content. The author after M. M. Bahtin emphasizes the dialogic nature of the text reading process and introduces the concept of "counter text" as a certain reflector of the reader's subjective positions. With the help of own notice and analysis, using the typology of personality according to the dominant perceptive modality, the author suggests his own typology of participants in the pedagogical process, depending on the manifestations of activity in the pedagogical process. The article gives different points of view on the process of texts reading and emphasizes the importance and necessity of teaching the texts understanding. The actions of participants in the pedagogical process are described, depending on their belonging to a certain type of personality, according to the author's typology, at various stages of working with the text in the learning process. The author offers to use techniques of emotional influence, elements of theater pedagogy, methods of problem-based learning. Some recommendations are given for texts reading in the training. They include positions that the author singles out as dominant in the perception of a polysemic text. Guided by these positions, the reader has the opportunity: to discover its own meaning, to hear other sense, to comprehend its own meaning, to accept its own and other people's meanings. This will help readers to go beyond the values of the author's text.

Keywords: reading, understanding, learning, sense, dialogue.

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