The Individualization of the Educational Process as Means of Forming and Developing Students’ key Competences

The education should become more individualized, functional and efficient. This task is solved through the individualization of the process, when a teacher and a student become equal subjects of education. The main aim of education in the sphere of teaching foreign languages in a special or professional direction supposes the development of professionally oriented intercultural communicative competences of students. The author also considers communicative foreign language competences, as well as socio-cultural, professional, educational, methodical and other competences. The main principle for all stages of education is activity. This principle contributes to forming students’ striving for independent education, to developing communication skills and skills of team work, self-criticism and responsibility for obtaining knowledge and skills necessary for their professional activity. The students are in the center of the educational process and, alongside with the teacher, they influence the decisions concerning the content, the course of the lesson, as well as the choice of the material to be studied. The classes must activate the previously obtained knowledge of the students, develop their ability of cooperation, creativity, initiative; contribute to their active participation in the educational process; form the ability of efficient communication in a foreign language. At the same time the teacher plays sooner the role of a consultant, coordinator, moderator and initiator of the educational process. At the same time the teacher plays sooner the role of a consultant, coordinator, moderator and initiator of the educational process. While organizing the process, the teacher takes into account the individuality of the way the students master the material of the foreign language and offers the corresponding strategies of education. In the course of preparing students for solving their future professional tasks , of great importance are business games, where the students use their language, methodical and professional knowledge for the realization of their project, which supposes planning, search, systematization, presentation and sometimes the production of the end product and its testing. The competence of students to correct mistakes should become one of the constituents among the competences obtained in the process of autonomous education. The recognition of mistakes must be an element of the educational process and should be used by teachers and students as the means of constant improvement of knowledge. The main potential of self-evaluation lies in the raise of motivation and efficient organization of the educational process as a most significant instrument. Thus, the students take direct participation in planning, organizing the educational process and the evaluation of the result.

Keywords: teaching a foreign language, subjects of education, autonomous education, interactivity, self-assessment, individual educational trajectory.

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