Regional History in the Formation and Development of the Personality of Students

The article focuses on the role of the regional history in the formation and development of the personality of students. This study is not only the outline of the key milestones in the history of the region, but also serves for the scrupulous investigation of numerous historical facts and events whose influence was great enough to speak about the phenomenon of Western Siberia in different aspects and from different viewpoints for the formation and development of the personality of both students and pedagogues. The above factfile is under thorough investigation in this opus — the accession of Siberia to Russia, the city of Novonikolaevsk-Novosibirsk as a strategic locality along the TRANS-Siberian railway and its role in the V-Day of the Second World War, four stages of incredible industrialization of great significance in regional story of Western Siberia, the Rise of scientific and educational space founded far from the capital of Russia, among them Academgorodok as a model of scientific enterprise of great significance and as an example for consideration worldwide, the Novosibirsk University which is well-known all over the world, the «Lavrentiev’s triad»as the main competitive advantage of the region, it is «Education — science — production» that can become «the lever of Archimedes», and some other facts of paramount importance for the future of regional history. The survey of the above facts shows that the history of the Novosibirsk Oblast serves as an example of the mission of the Humanities for the formation of patriotism in students as citizens of this region.

Keywords: humanitarian education, education, patriotism, citizenship, history Novosibirsk region, the city of Novonikolaevsk, reindustrialization.

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