CLIL as a means of foreign language teachers’ professional competences development

Problem statement concerns actual issues of competent foreign language use for professional purposes by Russian specialists; these questions are under consideration and discussion by both educators and academic researchers the past two decades. The purpose of this paper is to present some of the findings on how to help university graduates become more efficient intercultural communicators in the globalized world in terms of Content and Language Integrated Learning methodology (CLIL). Methods and materials. The empirical array cover a series of seminars 'School for Junior FL Teachers' conducted by Cambridge language school for foreign language teachers at Novosibirsk Destination Sessions based on CLIL. Methods of this research include critical analysis of current Scientific Scholarship, interviewing and a set of questions for the participants, teachers, on the efficacy of these seminars. Results and their discussion consider in some ways contributions to Knowledge Content, Technology and Pedagogy of CLIL methodology and this approach to teaching non-linguistic subjects within Foreign Language Content and to the development of the learners' communicative competence, in the aspect of permanently decreasing hours for language learning in university curricular. The paper states that CLIL methodology has proved to be efficient in European and Asian schools and universities, in terms of developing their learners' communicative competence. In their feedback the participants of the seminars hihglight the effects for developing their professional competence, and the role of CLIL methodology principles as basis for organizing the learning process at the Sessions. In conclusion the authors state that both sufficient level of foreign language proficiency of a pedagogue and his/her Knowledge Content of CLIL principles is a must.
Keywords: foreign language teacher; School for Junior FLT'; foreign language as a means of content teaching; professional development.
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