Teachers council by correspondence

Implementation of Adapted Programs of Special Education of Children in Home-Based Training School

In the article we discuss the possibility of implementing special developmental programs in secondary school for children with limited health abilities. Moreover we present many years’ experience implementing similar programs in the secondary school “Perspective” (school of home-based training).

Keywords: adapted programs of special education of children, social development of children with limited health abilities, ecological education.

Lessons from the introduction of new knowledge on the basis of students ' research activities

This article examines the problem of creating the conditions for the existence of the independence of students, the combination of rigour and respect for the individual student. Teacher modeling modern lesson, should create conditions so that students in a collective search came to the opening, have postulated and proved their claims. In connection with the transition to next generation standards necessary connection of system and activity approach in teaching methodology as the GEF.

Problematic dialogue on the lessons of physics

The role of physics in secondary process is quite large. This discipline includes not only a set of theoretical data, but, above all, the formation and development of philosophy, relation to reality, practical skills of interaction with the environment. As a result of learning physics, the student must not only master the curriculum, and learn how to independently acquire and apply knowledge. The article substantiates the necessity of developing research skills of students through the application of methods of problem dialogue.

Students’ Experimental Activities in Physics Specialized Class

The article is devoted to the experimental activity at lessons of physics of the basic level and in specialized classes.

Keywords: physics specialized class, physics education, experiment, experimental activity.

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Gadgets for the Safe Development of the Digital Generation

In the article we describe the problem of oversupply of digital technology in today's digital generation and propose a version of its solution by developing specialized electronic educational complex “ProCubes” lacking most of the negative features of the popular gadgets.

Keywords: robotics, gadgets, digital generation, safe development, cubes.

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Olympiad Russian Language Course for Elementary School

We describe the possibilities of teaching gifted children by using the online textbook "Olympiad Russian Language Course for Elementary School" for the realization of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education requirements.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, online textbook, the Russian language, gifted children.

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Project Problems as a Basis for the Formation of Universal Learning Actions of Primary School Children

In the article we describe the experience of using project activities in primary school for the realization of the Federal State Educational Standard requirements. We have correlated main types of projects problems, and analyzed their structure and the role of teacher in solving them.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, quality assessment for education, project activity, project problem, primary school.

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Developmental Educational Environment of Mathematics Primary Education as a Condition for the Federal State Educational Standards Realization

In the article we describe in detail educational environment of primary school, as well as some conditions and methods of its organization, and functions. The examples of organizing developmental educational environment of mathematics education are given.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard, educational environment, primary school.

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Information Environment of a Correctional and Developmental School

We share our experience on the successful socialization of children with hearing impairment, and present some activities organized in our correctional school No. 37 for the adaptation of students to the modern socio-cultural environment. As well we give some examples of using ICT for the successful formation of students’ communicative skills.

Keywords: correctional and developmental educational environment, hearing impaired students, socialization.

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Experience of Formation of Engineering Classes

In the article we justify the need to form specialized engineering classes in educational institutions. The model of school of physical and mathematical sciences formed on the basis of our secondary school is presented.

Keywords: school of physical and mathematical sciences, vocational guidance.

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