Teachers council by correspondence

Modern form of in Crease in Professional Competences of Teachers at Realization of Innovative Approaches

The article presents the experience on the organization of creative group of teachers’ activity on the basis of innovative approach in "Volgograd technical school of the water transport named after the admiral of the fleet N. D. Sergeev".

Social Situation of Development of a Pupil with a Hearing Impairment

The article covers the concept "social situation of development of a pupil with a hearing impairment", which specifies forms and ways of development of the child, types of activities, its mental properties and qualities of the specific restrictions in health. For each person it is specific and unique.

Traditions and Innovations in the Formation and Development of Competitive Personality

The article considers the problem of formation and development of competitive personality. Examines the creation o f a competitive, adaptive behavior o f a graduate that gives him a competitive advantage. Activity of pedagogical collective is investigated from the position o f the effective application of traditional and innovative learning approaches which determine the mechanism o f training in educational institution of secondary vocational education a sought after specialist.

Peculiar Features of Monitoring and Assessment of Personal Development Results of Primary Schoolchildren

The authors have held an empiric research that has revealed a problem o f monitoring o f the social training of the primary school children in accordance with state regulations. The text presents and analyzes methodology to perform efficiency assessment o f the personal development o f the primary school children more effectively, case study templates aregiven. The article highlights risks o f summarized monitoring researches in primary school.

Vocational Guidance and Formation of Future Skills Through Technology Lessons

The article is devoted to one o f the problems of the development o f modern school education - training o f the personnel for innovative economy. The authors of the article believe that it is in the school that it is necessary to develop future cadres that are capable o f creating high-demand products in the sphere of economy, science, innovation, education, and technologies.

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