Teachers council by correspondence

The System of Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of the Principles of Thinking of the Primary Schoolchild The article

The article deals with the concept o f "principles o f thinking" and its role in the life of modern man. The necessity of developing skills o f solving open tasks in the educational process is substantiated, based on the identified contradictions between the demands of modern society and the level of quality o f education. The inconsistency o f identification of intellect and thinking is proved.

The Organization of Summarized Review in the Competent Teaching of Mathematics in the Secondary School

The article examines the issue o f lesson organization of summarized review in math from the point of view o f the implementation of didactic principles of knowledge assimilation, the actualization o f personal self-development and the subject-activity potential of learning with the purpose o f forming students cognitive competence.

Keywords: summarized review, cognitive competence, competent approach, teaching math.

The application of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) technology elements in working with primary school-aged children with visual impairments

This article presents some theory elements of solving inventive tasks in primary school with students who have vision disabilities, in particular, methods of making riddles and metaphors and method of focal objects.

Keywords: TRIZ, riddle, metaphor, method of focal objects, vision disabilities.

Teacher's Activity Improvement Based on the Professional Standard of the Pedagogue

The article presents a review of the new document "Professional standard of the pedagogue" by the teacher of Mathematics. New substantive aspects in the activity of a pedagogue in relation to functional responsibilities of a teacher are marked.

Keywords: standard of the pedagogue, definitive training, mathematics, information literacy of a teacher, integrated sessions.

Provision of Quality Development of Schools with Consistently Poor Results

The article discusses and analyzes the actual theme of providing quality educational services in Kochenyovsky District. Some schools Kochenyovsky District show consistently low learning outcomes, leading to a reduction in the quality of education the district. The aim of this study was to identify factors that affect the learning outcomes of educational organizations Kochenyovsky District, as well as revealing of their features.

Education of Gifted School Students for the Purposes of Modern Engineering Background

The article is devoted to the actual issue, which is connected with the requirement of the occupational standard of a teacher, to provide an assessment and development of school students aptitude, to create learning environment for talent sustainability. The authors almost realized a number of innovative scientific and methodical ideas, developed ^ unique practice of implementation of school learning process of engineering background.

New forms of realization of educational program ? of non-school a c tiv ity and additional I training of children

This paper presents the analysis of practical relevance and normative capabilities for creating a new form of realization j of educational program for non-school activity and additional training of the children in terms of "The Open Youth University". This paper includes the organizational chart of the Club "Creating Worlds" as a new organizational form of non-school activity and additional training, advantages and prospects for effective application of the proposed form for every educational organization.

The Development of Teacher’s Need to Improve ICT-competence

In article we raise the problem of the existence and ways of developing teachers’ need to improve their ICT-competence for successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard requirements. The practice of inside school development of ICT-competence of teaching staff is described, the role of the teacher of informatics in this process is emphasized.

Keywords: teacher, ICT-competence, computer technology, robotics, scientific society, project.

Archimedes Digital Laboratory: Studying the Possibilities of Using Digital Measuring Equipment in Primary School

In the article we present the analysis of the possible application of digital measuring educational equipment in primary school on the basis of the practical experimental work with Archimedes digital laboratory. We consider some preconditions for using digital laboratories in general education, that have been initiated by the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, and give practical recommendations on the organization of research work of primary school students.

Musical and Computer Technologies Innovative Project

In the article we describe the experience of the development of the Music and Computer Technology in Education project.

Keywords: educational project, innovation, musical culture, creativity, music and computer technologies (MCT), personal development, self-realization.

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