Lyn Wendon

Some of the Learning Strategies that Empower Teaching English with Letterland

The article focuses on the original technology of the author that can empower teaching English with Letterland. For many years educators in English-speaking countries rejected traditional teaching of phonics, believing that because English spelling is so irregular, to give priority to teaching letter sounds was too difficult and confusing. It required too much rote learning, it was unpopular and boring for 5–7 year-olds, and worse, it gave them a distaste for reading.

Some of the Learning Strategies that Empower Teaching English with Letterland

The article focuses on the original technology of the author that can empower teaching English with Letterland. For many years educators in English-speaking countries rejected traditional teaching of phonics, believing that because English spelling is so irregular, to give priority to teaching letter sounds was too difficult and confusing. It required too much rote learning, it was unpopular and boring for 5–7 year-olds, and worse, it gave them a distaste for reading.

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