Social Situation of Development of a Pupil with a Hearing Impairment

The article covers the concept "social situation of development of a pupil with a hearing impairment", which specifies forms and ways of development of the child, types of activities, its mental properties and qualities of the specific restrictions in health. For each person it is specific and unique. Social situation of development includes such areas of the relationship as family, kindergarten, school, communication with family and peers, additional educational institutions. For surdopedagogy great importance is the regulation on the ratio of biological and social factors in the process of mental development of the child. Personality development is affected by such factors as the child's stay in a residential care institution type. The authors compare the social situation of development of pupils of correctional boarding school in the 80 years of XX century and at the present stage of its development and come to the conclusion that drastic changes have occurred. The article describes the features of the school as an open system. Change the social situation of development of students is that the child beyond the family and school, it extends the range of important individuals, formed a new type of relationship. Social adaptation and integration of the person with impaired hearing is largely dependent on being a member of a community.

Keywords: biological factor, boarding school, social adaptation, integration, social situation of development.

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