Interdisciplinary Communication as a Means of Integrity in the Process of Formation of Communicative Competence of Students

In the article there is an argumentation about the necessity to develop communication skills of students through the implementation of operational activity and substantial inter-subject relations, which leads to qualitative changes in ways of cognitive activity of students, their competency. The interdisciplinary is done in the study of similar objects and concepts (culture, communication, arguments). Information and content interdisciplinary relations promote the expansion and the deepening of the subject concepts signs such as communication, culture, ethics, etiquette and the formation of common concepts for related subjects. Operational activity interdisciplinary connections contribute to formation students’ skills of practical activities. Subsequent ( prospective) communication contribute to a “ systematization of knowledge, they allow to build on previously studied material on related subjects to identify perspectives in the study of knowledge. Interdisciplinary relations as a means of the integrating process involves the acquisition and development of interpersonal and business communication skills; that significantly affects the achievement of the qualification requirements declared in the state standard for specialists and bachelors in the field of management and administration.

Keywords: communicative competence of students, interdisciplinary connections , the principle of integrity, the principle of scientific integrity, the substantive and operational activity interdisciplinary connections.

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