Intersubject Modules of the Natural-Science Direction in the Program of the School of the Educational Center "Sirius"

The article presents the authors' experience in the development, testing and implementation of projects of interdisciplinary educational modules. The work was carried out on the basis of the Educational center "Sirius" in the city of Sochi, in which profile educational programs are implemented in one of three directions: "Sport", "Art", "Science". The principles and general approaches to the formation of educational programs are briefly described, including the use of an integrative approach. The positions of the choice of the idea and content of the intersubject modules are presented, as well as three different schemes for conducting them by two teachers. The main content of the article is devoted to the materials for the development of projects of interdisciplinary modules in physics and biology; examples of implemented projects are described.

Keywords: integration, intersubjectivity, natural sciences, educational modules, physics, biology, modern school.

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