A Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Methods of Discrete Mathematics

The article presents a comparison of the effectiveness of genetic and activity methods of teaching discrete mathematics in the direction of "Information technology" at the Novosibirsk state University of water transport. The descriptions of these methods in application to some sections of discrete mathematics are given, the specificity of the discipline in question is discussed. The substantiation of statistical methods by which this comparison is made is given. The relevance of the article is determined by the importance of discrete mathematics for modern information technology, the lack of such research to ensure effective training of bachelors in this specialty. Modern discrete mathematics is a theoretical and often practical basis for engineering and system programming, systems of processing and transformation of information, process control, and other information technologies. Modern scientific research in almost all areas of natural science, automation of technological production processes, military Affairs, crypto-logic, linguistics and much more is impossible without mastering the methods, concepts and knowledge in the field of discrete mathematics. In a sense, the basis for efficiency improvement based on cognitive psychology is being sought. The importance of discrete mathematics both in the practical field and for the development of logical thinking of the student, improving his mathematical culture is discussed.

Keywords: genetic, activity, cognitive, discrete mathematics.

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