Motivation Problems in Teaching Foreign Languages for Adults

Currently a huge number of adults are undertaking efforts to continue their education in the language direction, beginning study foreign languages in the adulthood. Actual problems of motivation in the teaching of foreign languages for the adult audience of students are considered under this article. The teacher's experience of working with the students of the intensive language training courses and the Presidential program is generalized; the main reasons that complicate the learning process are identified and analyzed. On the basis of the author's analysis of the problem situation development in teach foreign languages with adults, it is stated to despite the obvious interest in this problem, precise theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of this process are not yet fully formed in domestic pedagogy. Traditional pedagogical technologies developed on the basis of the experience to teach children are still used, and there are no uniform standards and curricula, they are not systematized, and used methods and techniques not yet allow effectively realize the mass education of adults in foreign languages.

It is noted, that the greatest efficiency is achieved with the joint activity of the teacher and the adult trainee at all stages of the educational process: from planning and preparation up to analysis the results. In this article are shown, that the knowledge of the students psychological and age characteristics and taking into account of their social role will help to use methodical methods more effectively and solve the problem of optimizing the learning process. It is confirmed, that high motivation should be maintained and managed by the teacher, which significantly reduces the burden on students.

Practical recommendations on the definition of pedagogical conditions for the effective study of a foreign language by adults are offered, the choice of a scientific methodology based on their psychological and age features is justified.

Keywords: motivation, adult students, psychological and age characteristics, psychological problems of teaching, pedagogical conditions, methodical actions, competent approach.

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