Interdisciplinary Interaction in Teaching History and English as a Foreign Language

In the Russian Federation, there is evidently a growing interest both from government and society to the problems of patriotic education of citizens. Various aspects of spiritual, moral and military-patriotic education are under active discussion in the research literature as well as theoretical and practical issues of upbringing of the young generation. This article describes the experience in teaching History and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Pedagogical University. Coordination of the teachers’ actions can effectively help to solve the teaching, upbringing, creative and educational problems which face higher educational institution during the course of training of future teachers. The authors are searching for and creating appropriate educational environment for the first year full-time BA students of non-history and non-linguistic programs in Pedagogical University through using the informational and educational potential of disciplines "History" and "EFL". Applying a wide range of materials on History of Russia, History of Siberia, History of Novosibirsk, and Novosibirsk region, History of the University, at foreign language classes successfully contributes to patriotic education of students as future teachers. Special tasks on National History within an individual work at EFL classes help to create favorable conditions for implementing of patriotic education and upbringing into students’ community. During individual and collaborative activity on creative individual tasks, students obtain necessary skills on carrying out the search work in the libraries with papers and digital materials; on selecting and systematizing information according to techniques of translation, retelling, discussion; they can find out about different historical events and personalities as well as unknown and little-known facts.

Keywords: interdisciplinary interaction, history, EFL, BA students, educational process, patriotic upbringing, spiritual and moral upbringing.

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