Conflictogenic Factors of Pedagogical Interaction Between Students and Teachers of Higher Education

The article deals with the problem of conflict in the social component of the educational environment of the university, as space in which the interaction of subjects of higher education. It is emphasized that interpersonal conflicts between students and teachers are not only accompanied by transformations in the value-semantic structure of consciousness, as well as the moral and moral aspects of the personality of the participants in the conflict, but also have a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate of the university environment, which determines the relevance of the study. The views of future teachers about the causes of conflicts between students and teachers are analyzed, the results of the investigation of conflict factors, obtained during the survey of 112 respondents aged 18-20 years, are presented. The study concludes that the «conflict between students and teachers» is an interpersonal contradiction that reflects the clash of the subjects of the educational process, determined by the level of their conflict, arising under the influence of conflict factors (activity, behavior, relational), and perceived and experienced by them as a psychological problem that requires its solution.

Keywords: conflict, conflict factor, pedagogical interaction, higher education, subjects of the educational process, student, teacher.

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