Between the past and the future: traditions and innovations in the school for children with hearing problems

Correctional pedagogy has experienced many crises and discoveries, difficulties and problems in the course of its development. The national history of the development of this field of pedagogy is replete with examples of asceticism and scientific breakthroughs, various practical implementation of scientific ideas. Despite the remoteness from the federal center, the Siberian correctional school has traditionally developed in step with the times, replenishing the methodological knowledge from the primary source — scientific ideas and recommendations of famous scientists. Many of them visited Siberia, communicated with teachers and defectologists, organized experimental grounds on the basis of correctional schools, took part in their work. The article presents a historical review of the development of one of them — special (correctional) school No. 37 in Novosibirsk. The pedagogical team of the school has honored and respected the traditions of audiopedia pedagogy for 90 years and is continuously developing, relying on modern trends and innovative ideas.

Keywords: children with hearing problems, defectologist, innovations, traditions.

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