Interschool Communities as a Factor of Realization of Professional Standard of the Educator

The article deals with the problem of the implementation of the professional educational standard on the basis of the interaction of interschool communities, promoting the exit of teachers to the intersubject and metasubject levels of professional communication, reveals the role of the integration of teachers in the implementation of innovative approaches. The current situation and the main difficulties in the implementation of the professional standard are is analyzed, and its opportunities to improve the educational system and the activities of teachers through the integration and interaction of interschool communities. The motivation to continuous professional development of teachers as a factor of readiness to make mobile and responsible decisions in successful realization of labor activity is defined. Forms and methods of carrying out educational actions at the interschool level are characterized. The conditions of successful implementation of the main goals developed by the professional standard are identified. The authors present the results of observations based on the experience of the innovative pedagogical interschool community created and operating in Borodino, Krasnoyarsk region.

Keywords: innovative-pedagogical interschool communities, professional standard of teacher, continuous education of teachers, development of experience, active interaction of teachers, integration of teachers, training modules.

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