The Method of Mathematical Modeling in the System of Secondary Vocational Education

The article describes some of the characteristics of a professionally-oriented course “Mathematical apparatus for constructing computer networks”. Recommendations are given on the creation of professionally-applied tasks from the point of view of the selection of professionally important information, as well as a number of issues arising during the process of creating such kind of tasks. The article analyzes the potential of using the method of mathematical modelling in the formation of skills and abilities of students, that are needed in their future professional activities. The main value of mathematical models is their universality, the ability to develop students’ interest in the subject and increase their level of motivation to study it. Hence, the using of the method of mathematical modelling increases the level of productivity of mathematical education as an important element in the formation of the future professional-specialist.

Keywords: mathematical modelling, professionally-applied orientation of education, analysis, professionally-applied tasks, the course “Mathematical apparatus for constructing computer networks”.

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