Federal State Educational Standarts and Professional Culture of high School Teachers

This article presents the problems of learning in the higher education institution connected with the transition to two-tier system of education (bachelor's programme, master's programme ): organization of student's self-study, practice duration and learning in total decrease, cancellation of the final state exam. Some advantages of the Federal State Educational Standards are highlighted: the use of distant educational technologies, networking cooperation of higher educational institutions and other educational institutions, possibility to choose a type of activity, opportunity to create specific educational conditions on creative educational programs. Study purpose: to demonstrate the solutions of these problems and to substantiate the requirements as to professional culture of the teacher of the higher education institution. As a result of the investigation the methodological recommendations for enhancement of the educatory process in the higher education institution were offered, the requirements to the professionalism of the «new-style» teacher were formulated among them communicative and moral components, knowing information technology, ethno cultural competence, professional motivation.

Keywords: higher education, pedagogical education, federal state educational standards, professional culture of a teacher.

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