Activities of United Professional Communities in Special and Inclusive Education: Development of Methodological Competence of TeachersThe article discusses the necessary conditions for organizational and scientific and methodological support of the activities of professional communities of teachers, providing significant positive changes in the formation of their methodological competence in the field of education of students with disabilities. The logic of planning the activities of professional communities such as temporary creative groups and internship platforms on a project basis, the possible stages of their activities with criteria for assessing the methodological competence of teachers included in these professional associations are described. The results of the work of the temporary creative group of teachers of the Central administrative district of the city of Novosibirsk on education of students with disabilities are presented, it also analyzes the impact of such a professional community as regional training platforms for the introduction of Federal state educational standards for General education of students with disabilities on improving the professional competence of teachers in the field of special and inclusive education. Keywords: national project «Education», federal project «Teacher of the future», students with disabilities, temporary creative group, internship platform, federal state educational standard. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |