Conceptual Foundations of Modern postgraduate pedagogical education

The author of the article conducted a survey of teachers of general education institutions in 15 regions of our country, the purpose of which was to determine the satisfaction of teachers with vocational education (advanced training) programs. It was found that more than 70 % of teachers are not satisfied, or are not fully satisfied with the quality of such programs. Presumably, this is due to the lack of a scientifically based, holistic concept of postgraduate pedagogical education: it is still implemented in the forms of informational lectures, or craft workshops, continuing the formats of university and/or school education. Thus, the purpose of this article is to define and substantiate the fundamental principles underlying additional pedagogical education. Special attention is paid to the integration of the results of various fields of scientific knowledge: acmeology, axiology and andragogy, when designing programs for personal and professional development of teachers. The author draws a conclusion about the uniqueness of postgraduate pedagogical education, which is distinguished by specific goal-setting (the development of the teacher's personality and his professional position), about the specifics of the forms of work with teachers (reflexive workshops), as well as the methods used in organizing educational events (interactive interaction). The formulated results can be used both in the development of the system of additional T education of teachers, and in general for the entire system of postgraduate education, adult education.
Keywords: advanced training of teachers, postgraduate pedagogical education, continuing education, andragogy.
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