Designing the Content of an Integrated Training Course for Students of Pedagogical Universities (on the Example of the Course “Geography of the Novosibirsk Region”)

Geography is a complex academic discipline that combines knowledge about nature, population and economy; it considers the surrounding world as a single system. This is the reason for the widespread use of subject, intersubject and metasubject concepts in it. The Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, formulates the requirements for the preparation of students, including their mastery of interdisciplinary concepts, on the basis of which a holistic picture of the world is built. Future teachers —students of pedagogical universities — should be prepared to work to fulfill the requirements laid down in state documents, including the formation of interdisciplinary concepts and a holistic picture of the world among students. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the formation of a unified picture of the world on the basis of interrelated concepts among the future teachers themselves. One of the ways of such training is to familiarize students with the materials of educational disciplines of integrated content. However, methodological approaches to designing the content of such disciplines remain undeveloped. The goal is to design the content of an integrated training course (on the example of the course “Geography of the Novosibirsk Region”). Constructive activity was carried out using the method of pedagogical design. There are two stages in the design process. At the first, preliminary stage, the main interdisciplinary concepts are established, on which the content of the integrated course is built, and the structure of its program is determined. The essence of the second, main stage is the selection and design of specific regional material in accordance with the program. At this stage, the following is performed: selection of additional interdisciplinary concepts, disclosure of the regional specifics of their content and cause-and-effect relationships between them on the basis of local material. The process of building the content of an integrated course is characterized by a number of difficulties. For example, the lack of role models; the need to operate with concepts traditionally used in related academic disciplines; blurring of the “boundaries” of interdisciplinary concepts; the inevitability of work on the formation of not only subject, but also meta-subject, and personal results in students when conducting an integrated training course; the substitution of concepts and their essential features that occurs among students. At the same time, students at the university perceive with interest fragments of the integrated course being created.
Keywords: interdisciplinary concepts, physical and socio-economic geography, work program, Novosibirsk Priobye, “vertical” connections, formation factors, industries.
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