Digital Tools for the Formation of General Professional Competencies of Students in Technical and Economic Specialties at a University

The article examines the competence-based approach in the aspect of new requirements to the federal educational standards of higher education at the level of basic higher education. The necessity of using digital tools for the formation of general professional, including engineering, graduate competencies to achieve the goals of basic higher education is substantiated. The subject of the study is the invariant of general professional competencies. The object of the study is the classification of digital tools according to various criteria in higher education. The purpose of the study is to form a technological map of the distribution of digital learning tools (GLT) for the formation of engineering components of general professional competencies of future graduates. The research methods selected are: analysis of the general professional competencies of BHE graduates based on the study of the current federal state educational standards of higher education in the humanities, content analysis of the content of engineering components in general professional competencies, comparative analysis of the practice of using digital learning tools at the university based on surveys. Empirical methods are presented by online surveys, observations in the process of educational activities at the university. Internet resources were used in the form of online survey designers. Research base: scientific and pedagogical sources on the problem of using digital tools. The study was conducted in stages corresponding to the tasks. The results of the study provide the teacher with an up-to-date selection and systematization of digital tools. The technological map has a number of disadvantages that are related to the subjective position of the author of this article. However, the advantage of the proposed card can be attributed to the possibility of further replenishment with tools in the context of the implementation of new FGOS HE.
Keywords: invariant of engineering components of general professional competencies GPC, digital tools in learning (GLT), technological map; groups of digital learning tools on technological aspects, digital educational environment
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