Educational Environment as a Condition for the Self-Organization of Military Specialist Competence

Modernization of modern higher education in general and military education, in particular, is largely associated with the transformation of Russian society, with its socio-economic changes and complex geopolitical situation, requiring, first of all, military specialists of high quality, capable of making quick decisions in a situation of sharply changing operational environment. The educational environment is a pedagogical condition not only (and not so much) for the formation of a set of competencies regulated by the federal state educational standard, but also a factor of self-organization of a military specialist who successfully supplements his competence with new forms of competence produced by the open educational environment. The purpose of this article is to present the methodological basis for the use of educational environment in the professional development of cadets as future officers of the Russian Federal Guard, who have a motivated readiness to self-organize their military-professional experience on the basis of a dialogical learning process in the educational environment of a military educational organization. For this purpose, competence, as the main result of a cadet’s militaryprofessional training, is presented in the activity-based interpretation, i.e. it is a self-organizing cultural product, open for its own supplementation in the context of normative fixation of existing experience and independent production of knowledge necessary for solving emerging operational tasks. Results. The following methodological grounds for using the educational environment in the professional development of cadets as future officers of the Russian Guard have been identified and tested. 1. The addition of military professional competence by a motivated willingness to self-organize the service and combat experience on the basis of a dialogical learning process in the educational environment of a military educational organization of higher education (hereinafter referred to as VOOVO). 2. Operational representation of the cadet’s competence as the main result of military professional training, in an activity interpretation. For confirmation, it is necessary to take into account the cultural product, which is open for students to supplement themselves in the context of normative fixation of existing experience and independent production of knowledge necessary to solve emerging operational and tactical tasks. 3. The presence of cadets in educational practice within the design and research activities, ensuring their author’s «reading» of the military-historical, patriotic and general cultural narrative, as well as providing students with the opportunity for implementing the results of their «reading» in an educational environment open to a dialogue of cultures.
Keywords: educational environment, self-organization, competence, open education, military professional activity, dialogue of Cultures
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