Online Marathons as an Effective Approach to Organizing Corporate Training for Teachers

The article presents the problem of corporate training. The relevance of the research is thanks to the search for new forms of corporate training organization. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of organizing corporate teacher training. The aim of the research is to evaluate the possibilities of microeducation — namely online marathons — for conducting corporate teacher training. The materials of the ascertaining experiment are under survey of teachers of professional educational institutions in 2023 testified to their insufficient training in the field of digital technologies. The authors share their experience in organizing the training of teachers of the Kuzbass College of Architecture, Construction and Digital Technologies professional educational institution at the online marathon «Learning Yandex» aimed at developing digital skills. The article indicates the purpose of the marathon, listing the technologies being studied, describing the organization of training, listing the key issues of the modules studied and providing examples of practical tasks. Based on the analysis of the results of the conducted experimental training of teachers, the authors state that online marathons is an effective method of organizing corporate training.
Keywords: online marathon, micro learning, teachers, corporate training
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