The Model of Formation Teachers’ Readiness to the Teaching of Controversial Issues of Historical Science in the Organization of Additional Professional Education

The article provides the model of formation teachers’ readiness to teach controversial issues of historical science that focuses on the professional needs of the teacher, his educational difficulties, on the methods of diagnosis while designing the educational process and analyzing its effectiveness in the organization of additional professional education, on the professional readiness of teachers to teach controversial issues of historical science at the end of training. The model, combining axiological, corrective-diagnostic and differentiating elements, provides the creation of an environment of personal professional development of a teacher in the process of improving their skills in the organization of additional professional education, involving the consistent formation of general pedagogical, subject-methodical, psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, necessary to overcome pedagogical difficulties and increase the level of professional readiness to use the technology of teaching the debatable questions of historical science in the organization of general education. The structural and functional model is based on didactic experiment in the pedagogical process and presents a complete picture of the process of formation teacher's readiness to teach debatable questions of historical science through the system-forming elements of the educational process (motivation, problem, goal, tasks, principles, content, forms, methods, facilities, evaluation criteria, levels, results of activity) and relatively stable interrelations between them. The interconnected elements of the educational process are presented in the motivational-targeted, content-organizational and diagnostic-effective blocks of the model, which as a result of the teacher's training in the organization of training and retraining of educators allow them to acquire a theoretical, practical, personal readiness to teach debatable questions of historical science in a general education organization.

Keywords: additional professional education, debatable questions, professional readiness of the teacher, model of formation teacher’s readiness for teaching debatable questions of historical science, model elements.

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