Social and pedagogical support professional training of military servants by calling as a pedagogical system

The article deals with the problem of socio-pedagogical support for the professional training of servicemen on conscription in the conditions of the Military University training center as a pedagogical system. The vocational training of conscripts in the military specialty area at the training center of a military high school is considered in the context of additional military and professional education. It is emphasized that the entry of young people into the military society during the period of the conscription service is accompanied by a number of difficulties, the solution of which is facilitated by social and pedagogical support at the stage of conscripts receiving military professional education at the training center of a military higher educational institution. The study concludes that a systematic approach in the process of studying the socio-pedagogical support of vocational training of junior specialists appears as consideration and design of the components of the system to achieve the goal. The author's definition of the concept of "socio-pedagogical support of vocational training of junior specialists in the conditions of the training center of a military high school" is given, and it is noted that the socio-pedagogical support of vocational training of conscripts as a pedagogical system consists of components: orienting and target; content-technological; effective-valuation — the content of which is discussed in the publication.

Keywords: social and pedagogical support, military society, military conscript, junior specialist, training center, military high school.

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