Problem outline

French Museums of the Orient: Experience of Creation and Functioning

The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that it describes the creation and functioning of museums of a very popular profile today — the Oriental one. The analyzed practice of the French museums, in many respects the foremost in the European museum space, can be creatively applied in the design and creation of museums of this type in our country. The article is the first in the domestic scientific tradition to explore the history of the creation of French museum collections devoted to the Himalayas and Tibet.

The Functional Literacy Developmentof the Teacher in the Aspect of the Implementation of the Requirements of the Updated Federal State Education Standards

In the context of the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the updated federal state educational standards for general education, the pedagogical community is in a continuous search for innovative pedagogical approaches to the development of the functional literacy of students that never ceases, raising numerous questions and provoking the greatest difficulties in the experience of teachers.

Comparative Analysis of the Main Theoretical Models of the Educational Environment in Russian Pedagogy

The article substantiates the relevance of the issues of designing the educational environment in the context of the humanistic paradigm of education. A comparative analysis of communicative-oriented, psychodidactic, anthropological — psychological, ecological-personal, static-dynamic models of the educational environment is carried out.

Training of Advisors of Director for Education and Interaction with Children Public Associations: Moscow Experience

The article presents Moscow's experience in organizing a competition and training of Counselors for the Principal on educational guidance and interaction with children's public associations. The subjects of educational guidance in educational organizations are outlined in the article.

Educational Motivation as Main Factor of Educational Process Efficacy: Main Motivational Strategies

The article actualizes the problem of reducing the modern student motivation level in the context of the effectiveness of the educational process. In the Federal State Educational Standard, motivation for learning activities is considered both as a condition for achieving planned results, and as one of the personal results of mastering the basic educational program by students. Educational motivation is a complex systemic dynamic process based on the leading human needs.

Educational Environment As Cultural & Pedagogical Phenomenon of XXI Century

The educational environment is an integral part of modern life. This article discusses the development of the educational environment and its impact on academic success and personal development. The factors and features of a high-quality educational environment are identified, as well as measures to improve it are considered. The author calls for attention to the problem of the development of the educational environment and its further improvement to better lives and careers of people at any age.

Advanced Professional Training: Variable Pedagogical Models of Formation and Development of Professional and Personal Qualitymodernworkers

The article examines the requirements of modern production for workers, analyzes the problem and potential of advancement in education. The author presents for discussion the results of a study involving representatives of employers and workers trained under the advanced training programs. In this regard, ranked lists of professionally significant personal qualities and attributes preferred and expected by respondents from among employers’ representatives and from among workers are presented.

Interpretation of the Results of the all-Russian Testing Works of Primary School Students: a Typology of Difficulties and Pedagogical Techniques of Correction

The problem of finding universal tools for monitoring the quality of primary general education, allowing not only to evaluate the results, but also to diagnose the causes of difficulties for primary school students, attracts the attention of all participants of educational relations.

Formation of Foreign-Language Emotional Experience of Communication in Middle School Students: Means and Methodological resources

This article focuses on the question of the interconnection of such concepts as: «emotivity», «emotional intelligence» and «emotional experience», and also substantiates the necessity for students to acquire a foreign language emotional experience of communication in a foreign language lesson in the middle school as a way of developing emotional intelligence. The main purpose of the work is to offer means and methodological resources for the formation of students’ foreign language emotional communication experience.

Multicultures and Multilingua as Key Axiologem for Improving Quality of Language Education

Problem statement concerns the actual issues of forming a multicultural picture of the world of students via effective teaching and learning world languages.
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