Organizational Properties of the Junior High School Students' Education in Conditions of Informatization

This article deals with the questions of younger schoolboys' modern education in conditions of informatization in the unity of educational, extra curricular and after-school activities. The stages of the research and experimental work towards primary school pupils' moral behavior formation during the first four years are highlighted in the article. It proposes all forms of cooperation with the participants of the educational relationship, including parents, staff, Information Library Center and additional education teachers. Series of parent-teacher meetings and classroom hours, developed by the author, aimed at the junior high school students' education, are offered to the reader. The possible projects are described. A virtual space version of work, allowing to track students' compliance with the rules of conduct, is suggested. The article presents the results of the experimental class students' survey.

Keywords: educati, Internet threats, educational informatization, homeroom, a junior high school student, moral behavior, parent-teacher meeting, cooperation.

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