No. 1 (2016)The Study of Educational Talent Resource Opportunities of Personal-Biographical MethodThe key aspects of the study of the phenomenon of «educational talent» are highlighted in this article. It is made on the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis of the special literature on the problems of personal and professional development of creatively gifted practicing teachers. Value-Semantic Outlines of Person's Healthy LifestyleThe article deals with the item of the reproduction of a healthy lifestyle as an individual activity. Its effectiveness and sustainability are ensured by means of a special moral personality organization, a system of values what is in fact the main object of studying. Keywords: healthy lifestyle, a system of values, personality, education, lifestyle. The Dialogue with the World and Oneself: Self-Portrait as a Form of Students' Self-Awareness and Creative Self-DeterminationThe problems of modern students' self-knowledge and self-education are highlighted in the article. The author studies the possible ways of gaining the experience of self-discovery at the lessons of World Сulture by the high school students. We give methodological comments of the author's lesson "Self-portrait: the search for yourself or a dialogue with the audience."
Keywords:self-experience, students' creative self-determination, developing space of world culture lesson, value-semantic outlines and methodical bases of grafic self-portrait.
Realization of Educational Mathematics Potential under the Federal State Educational Standard by means of Methodical InnovationsThe article discloses a reasonable and educational potential of mathematics education under the modern conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards' implementation based on the analysis of the standard requirements to the personal results. The examples of methodological innovation in mathematics education in order to achieve personal results are given in the article. Keywords: methodological innovations, the primary mathematics education, the educational potential of mathematics education, the Federal State Educational Standard to personal requirements. Formation of Communicative Skills of Students with Disabilities: from ExperienceThis article deals with the problem of development and formation of the communicative competence of students with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system within the framework of a week of correctional pedagogy. The importance of development of communicative actions providing the students' social competence allowing to build them productive relationships with the others is underlined in the article. Keywords: communicative skills, students with disabilities, training. ICT- competence and Education of the Individual: the Unity of OppositesThe article deals with the dialectical relationship between the significant qualities of a modern man: education and the ICT- competence. The author argues the need for the integrated approach to their formation and the development in the period of schooling. The contradictions arising in the process of formation and development of the qualities considered in the general education can and should be a source of development of the individual and the society as a whole. Educational Potential of Pedagogical Research in the Field of Education's InformatizationThe article deals with the relevance of studying the problems of informatization of education in the context of solving the problems of education. The author carries out a content analysis and highlights a number of scientific works, which has the potential of education at various levels of general education and the importance and relevance of the identified problem, the degree of its reflection in the scientific search.
Keywords: training-education, informatization of education, scientific research, the individuals (subjects) of educational process.
Correlation Dependency as a Forecasting Tool in the Socio-Pedagogical ResearchThe article presents an extrapolation of trends of real professional help to the biology and chemistry teachers set as a result of researching the correlation dependency of arrays and clusters of the scientific-methodological magazines "Chemistry at School" and "Biology at School" ,2010-2014. Keywords: statistical research methods, correlation dependency, the correlation index, the extrapolation of professional help trends to the teacher. Individualization of Preschool Children' Physical EducationThe article represents the analysis of the effectiveness of individualization of preschool children 'physical education Keywords: innovations in the physical training of preschool children,climbing exercises Junior Student's Individual Training: the Potential of Physical and Sports CultureThe paper presents the author's point of view on the problem of junior student's individual training and the ways of its solution through the implementation of physical and sports culture pedagogical potential. The results of the research of ideal and real preferences of younger schoolboys in sporting activities are given in the article. The author underlines the value of involving and the conditions of the organization of sports activities for the education of a junior schoolboy.
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