Civic identity as a social phenomenon: historical-philosophical and philosophical and educational aspects

The article deals with the history of philosophy and the philosophical and educational aspects of civic identity, q actualized through the prism of the phenomenon of society mentality in modern Russian education — in the context [U of education-standards requirements. The author attempts to analyze the structure of civic identity, to identify the S essential components that make up the foundation of this phenomenon and concepts. Comprehend the views of philosophers of different epochs dealt with in his writings civil issues. For meaningful clarify the concept of "civic identity" meaningful divorce the concept of "nationality" and "citizenship", which in the western social and humanitarian 5 traditions are considered as equivalent. Civic self-identification, which distinguishes it from the people belonging to ^ the nationality different states, is considered as a free decision by man state care, unconditional obedience to its laws Q. and compliance with the regulations of the state, the implementation has set forth with respect to obligations of a ^ citizen means accepting the man himself as part of a large public body. Civilization seems to the author in the light of S the "philosophy of ministry" human state, society, social group, based on inner conviction. Identification of vectors of human, social group or community of people defined by the author as a mental features (at the level of the phenomena of society mentality and the mentality of the person), which manifest themselves in the psyche and behavior of an individual or community of people as a kind of permanent, historically defined characteristics — "constants" They form a depth-psychological basis of human identity in a particular historical time and within the framework of the cash culture. The content and form of civic identity has historical and national-cultural dimension, so appeal to the philosophical experience of the past is necessary for the determination of the content of the phenomenon. The desire of nations, peoples and cultures to find something in common, but it does not lose the characteristics of their national culture, lead to an increase in meaningful contradictions, both political and socio-cultural nature. Therefore, social philosophers today continue understanding the issues of civil society and human identity.

Keywords: dvic identity, civil rights, history, patriotism, social philosophy, philosophy of history, mentality.

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