Development of Student’s Social Competence by Authentic Textbooks

The article considers the problem of using authentic textbooks in the discipline "Foreign language" at specialized schools in the system of additional education. It is established that the democratization of school education has become a major factor for the emergence and use of new textbooks and teaching and methodological sets created by foreign methodologists. The author notes that in accordance with the "Concept of development of additional education of children" learning a foreign language in the conditions of additional education occurs by their own programs, which, to some extent, supplement the state standard of secondary school. Therefore, for a foreign language teacher, employed in the system of additional education, the problem of determining the content of training, which combines linguistic, linguistic-cultural, socio-cultural, ethno-psychological knowledge is also relevant. The sources, quoted in the present article, reflect the modern point of view on the studied problem. It is shown that the use of authentic textbooks and teaching kits in teaching a foreign language is an effective way to enrich students' knowledge in the field of linguistics and area studies and cultural studies. The points characterizing the importance of purposeful development of sociocultural competence of students are reflected. The author from the position of a sociocultural orientation of training content carried out the analysis of the content of authentic Learning and Teaching Set in the English language "Your Space 3". Based on the analysis of literature and personal experience, the author developed a training and methodological support as a supplement to the teaching materials. The article presents a brief description of the structure of the training and methodological support. The main goal is to teach students a wide range of sociocultural knowledge in the field of ethno-psychology of the peoples of the target language, the vision of the realities of our culture, national character, norms and traditions of communication with native speakers of the target language, relevant in the mass ordinary consciousness of life information, traditions and norms of communication, linguistic country-specific vocabulary. The article describes the experience of the use supplementary learning materials in the English language. In the conclusion it is summarized that the use of the developed training manuals as supplements to the authentic teaching materials has improved the level of the development of sociocultural competence of students.

Keywords: authentic textbooks, English language training, additional education in foreign language, sociocultural competence, cultural orientation.

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