Vocational Guidance and Formation of Future Skills Through Technology Lessons

The article is devoted to one o f the problems of the development o f modern school education - training o f the personnel for innovative economy. The authors of the article believe that it is in the school that it is necessary to develop future cadres that are capable o f creating high-demand products in the sphere of economy, science, innovation, education, and technologies. In this regard, the article examines the concepts o f school technology education, introduces the program for teaching the subject "Technology", discloses ideas for changing the content, the use of new tools and methods. The subject area "Technology" acts as the main integration mechanism that allows to synthesize natural scientific, scientifictechnical, technological, entrepreneurial and humanitarian knowledge in the process o f object-practical and designtechnological activity, to disclose the methods of their application in various areas o f human activity and to provide applied orientation of general education.

Keywords: educational subject, technology, lesson, school, innovation, national technology initiative.

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