Language Quest as an Element of Socio-cultural Activities in the Institution of Additional Education of Children

The article is devoted to the problem of creating and conducting a language quest in the institution of additional education of children. A retrospective analysis of the development of the system of additional education of children demonstrates the principles of extra-school (additional) education of children: assistance in socialization, teaching skills in a form that will be interesting, the moral upbringing of the child. Modern institutions of additional education of children, actively introducing socio-cultural technologies into their activities and allowing to organize meaningful leisure time, social and cultural activity of children, have educational and character developmental potential. It is noted that the possession of a foreign language as a means of satisfying the need for socio-cultural activity is achieved when studying the language in the institution of additional education.

In the institution of additional education, the Network of Linguistic Schools "London Express" (Pyatigorsk), the teaching of a foreign language is based on the communicative method of teaching. This technique assumes the maximum immersion of the learner in a foreign language through various forms of activity, one of which is the game. The quest, being a kind of command intellectual-mobile games, assumes the existence of a certain search-analytical component or an intellectual task that the participants must solve. In the article eight basic stages are revealed (defining the topic, defining the target audience, choosing the location, developing the tasks, developing the route, choosing the form of control, selecting attributes, conducting feedback) and the rules for creating and carrying out the quest, which is characterized as an element of social and cultural activities.

Keywords: quest, game, participants of the game, quest creation technique, learning a foreign language, teaching children, culture, social and cultural activities.

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