Interaction of the Content of Biological Education and the Results of All-Russian Testing Works

The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of all-Russian testing works on biology in the 5th grade, in particular, the analysis of the participation of students in the Novosibirsk region. Decrease in the level of performance when passing from the fourth grade (the World around) to the fifth (Biology) both in Russia and in the region, confirms this fact, obtained in other studies. The article considers the factors that influence the results. It highlights the tasks that proved to be difficult for students in the Novosibirsk region, compared with students in Russia. The elements of the content and the requirements for the results checked by these tasks are indicated. Examples of tasks for all-Russian testing work are given with ambiguous and erroneous wording.

A detailed analysis of the compliance of control measuring materials with the Federal State Educational Standard of the basic general education is presented taking into account the Approximate basic educational program of the basic general education (ABEP BGE.). It is shown that not all sections from the ABEP BGE are checked by the available tasks. In addition, sections that are not included in the codifier, but reflected in most textbooks on biology for grade 5 from the federal list of textbooks, are indicated.

It is shown that the textbook used by the teacher affects the success of the work of the students. The variety of textbooks having a different content structure are analyzed. The textbooks are noted, the content of which corresponds to the codifier of the checked content elements from the description of the control measuring materials to conduct diagnostic work on BIOLOGY 5 class in 2017. The article is intended for teachers of biology, administration of educational organizations.

Keywords: biology in the 5th grade, all-Russian testing works, textbooks on biology.

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