Self-Identification of Modern Youth

The article is devoted to the characteristics of the manifestation of self-identification of modern youth. The role and importance of these factors for the formation of modern man is shown. The significance of the investigated socio-political phenomena is revealed. The characteristic of political and cultural heritage, as well as its perception by modern youth is given. A study is conducted on the basis of sociological, pedagogical, general cultural material. The assumptions about the direction of development of these phenomena are made. So, who are we raised, or rather raised, if we start from dry figures? Take for 100 % the answers in the table. Then the modern youth is an actor who, at 18 %, recognizes himself as a representative of his family and, apparently, in proportion to the declared figure, is ready for the greatest sacrifices in order to achieve her well-being. On 14 % the representative of that social group in which spends more time, not looking at a temporary status of the student, the pupil. On 13 % is ready to satisfy exclusively interests in employment which it really to like (a hobby). Realizes himself as a Human, apparently, with all associated rights and duties by 12 %. On 9 % it is ready to accept itself as the friend and exactly on as much as a professional, i. e. at work. At the same time, in 8 % of cases, he is aware of the gender format of interaction on his part. Only 7 % are ready to perceive their qualities, as exclusively personal, individual. Not more than: 5 % expresses readiness for patriotic sentiments. Only 2 % perceive the importance of the national factor in relation to their interests. Ready to help in any other business by 1 % and also perceives the importance of the religious factor. Thus, the family-personal values under socialization are 47 %. Young people are ready for socialization, but almost half of them see it as the best for themselves realization through the family and their individual qualities, while we should not forget that we rejected answers that did not fit into approximately standard answers, that is, in practice this percentage may still increase. Of course, the authors are far from approving the totality of the conclusions. The study was conducted at the microlocal level and shows only some trends that need further correction.

Keywords: self-identification, youth, civic position, status, gender, family, religion, ethnos, profession.

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