K.V. Lugovoy

Initiation Rituals in the Indo-Iranian Tradition

Initiation rituals occupy a significant place in the structure o f traditional culture and embody its most relevant components. However, the study o f ritual culture is complicated for modern research due to the apparent lack o f empirical ethnographic material. As an a ttempt to solve this problem, this article offers an examination o f the logic and specificity o f the reflection o f initiation rituals in written texts characteristic o f the respective culture, primarily mythological and heroic-epic.

Self-Identification of Modern Youth

The article is devoted to the characteristics of the manifestation of self-identification of modern youth. The role and importance of these factors for the formation of modern man is shown. The significance of the investigated socio-political phenomena is revealed. The characteristic of political and cultural heritage, as well as its perception by modern youth is given. A study is conducted on the basis of sociological, pedagogical, general cultural material. The assumptions about the direction of development of these phenomena are made.

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