The Model of the Methodical System of the Formation of Humanitarian Culture in Additional Foreign-language Education

In this article the author of the research describes the structure and the contents of the model and technology of the formation of humanitarian culture of linguistically gifted school students in the course of teaching them a foreign language in the system of additional foreign-language education which were developed on the basis of the concept. The model consists of four interconnected blocks: conceptual, theoretical, diagnostic and technological. The technology is presented by substantial, procedural and productive characteristics. The author of the research also emphasizes that the formation of humanitarian culture of school students in additional foreign-language education includes heuristic teaching a foreign language and the creation of an individual educational trajectory. It assumes that linguistically gifted pupils study language subjects according to the educational and logical knowledge, profound and encyclopedic studying, fact-finding, selective or expanded assimilation of a language subject. All this provides the achievement of a standard educational level by linguistically gifted school students in the conditions of additional foreign-language education. The model offered by the researcher and the concept of the formation of linguistically gifted school students’ humanitarian culture in the course of teaching them a FL and the developed technologies are effective as they helped pupils: to deepen their knowledge of the culture of the countries of the target language, their past and the present; to learn to estimate, empathize emotionally in the course of reading and personal perception of the works of foreign literature of the countries of the newly acquired language, to understand moral and ethical values of the representatives of the countries of the target language, to create personally significant products of foreign-language activity, to develop the abilities to be engaged in the introspection, self-development in self-knowledge, on the basis of the cultural material and language knowledge, skills.

Keywords: a model, humanitarian culture, a methodical system, a linguistically gifted school student, additional foreign-language education, heuristic training, an individual trajectory of the development.

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