Development of Professional Educational Mastery of a Teacher by Methodologically Adapted of Historical and Pedagogical Knowledge

The article takes an attempt to provide rational for the essential possibility of activization of the process of the development of professional educational mastery at practical pedagogical workers (form masters, social teachers, teacher-facilitators, extracurricular teachers and etc.) by methodologically adapted of historical and pedagogical knowledge. Professional educational mastery is considered as highest possible stage of personal and creative fulfilment of a teacher. Empirical part of the research work has been made in frames of modern strategic and tactic tasks of upgrading qualification of the workers of upbringing and extracurricular education. Actualizing in the process of qualification upgrade of historical and pedagogical knowledge personal-development potential is defined depending on the volume and quality of accumulated professional experience of teachers. The article highlighted and characterized the levels of formation of such experience, illustrated by real examples typical semantic and technologic barriers, preventing establishment of personal-motivated successive connection creatively oriented educational activity of modern practical pedagogical worker with the best historic and pedagogic samples of the past. For the addressness of perception by the teachers of offered to them for self-study master samples of historic pedagogic knowledge, biparametric model of level diagnostic development of professional educational mastery of practical pedagogic workers was developed and tested. Dynamic of sequential rising of pedagogic workers to the highest educational mastery is offered to be assessed by the following three-component scheme: emotional personal, intellectual and analytic, pragmatic and practical development. The author of the article almost proves the high pedagogic productivity of the use of adaptive methodological approach to targeted use of the best samples of historic and pedagogic knowledge for purposes of activation of the process of the development of educational mastery of practical pedagogic workers in the process of qualification improvement.

Keywords: historic and pedagogic knowledge, methodologic adaptation of historic and pedagogic knowledge, professional educational mastery, beparametric model of diagnostic of educational mastery of practical pedagogic worker.

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