To the question of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi contribution to the western philosophy of education

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical works of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. His merit to the Western and Russian education systems lies in the fact that, unlike the traditional educational and training program based on the content of the studied material, he placed the fundamental theory of primary education of children at the center of his pedagogical system, linked it with their upbringing and development, and then connected with production labor. The purpose of the study is to solve the following tasks through the prism of specific philosophical and pedagogical ^ concepts of J. Pestalozzi. First, to turn to the educational concepts of Europe at the beginning of the 19th century Q. and trace their genesis. Secondly, to find out how I. Pestalozzi's theory of primary education is connected with the ^ educational and philosophical ideas of Zh-Zh. Rousseau and I. Kant. Thirdly, to show how the philosophy of education S of J. Pestalozzi was formed and what influence it had on the Western European educational culture. Thanks to this approach, philosophical and pedagogical research rises to the level of metascientific synthesis and helps to solve the set research problems. The theoretical and methodological issues of primary education of children, developed by J. Pestalozzi, have been repeatedly considered in Russian pedagogical science, but they were not always implemented according to the author's original texts. The novelty of the research is due to the fact that the analysis of the philosophical and pedagogical methods of J. Pestalozzi is carried out on the example of author's and Western sources that give a holistic view of the educational system of Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. In conclusion, a conclusion is made about the relevance of the philosophy of education of J. Pestalozzi and its contribution to modern pedagogy.
Keywords: philosophical and pedagogical analysis; the fundamental theory of upbringing and education of children; the connection between the theory of learning and production labor in the philosophy of education of J. Pestalozzi.
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