No. 6 (2021)

Educational practice by origami in continuous mathematical education of growing personality

The analysis of the problems of general mathematical education revealed a violation of continuity in the trajectory of its development in the middle school. The justification of measures for the development of spatial thinking of students establishes the feasibility of including a special module (based on geometric modeling of origami) in the content of additional professional education of teachers) as a "tool" for the development of spatial thinking and the eye-an important component of mathematical abilities.

Current Problems of Modern Russian Education and possible ways to solve them

The article considers a number of currently relevant problems in the systems of domestic engineering education, teacher training and general education as links of an interconnected chain on which the future of the country depends. The ways of their solution are suggested and substantiated. To provide conditions for transition of the country to sustainable development it is necessary to revive the national industrial potential based on high technology, a new industrialization is needed.

CLIL as a means of foreign language teachers’ professional competences development

Problem statement concerns actual issues of competent foreign language use for professional purposes by Russian specialists; these questions are under consideration and discussion by both educators and academic researchers the past two decades. The purpose of this paper is to present some of the findings on how to help university graduates become more efficient intercultural communicators in the globalized world in terms of Content and Language Integrated Learning methodology (CLIL). Methods and materials.

A contemporary university teacher through the eyes of students

Today the requirements for modern university teachers who constantly have to master new competencies, teaching methods and forms of interaction in order to meet modern requirements and challenges have increased. Consequently, it is important not only to build the trajectory of their own evolution, but also to know the students' opinion about teachers' personal and professional competencies, their expectations and hopes. The goal of this article is to analyze and to compare the opinions of students on the personal and professional competencies of a university teacher in recent years.

Opportunities for Intellectual Development at School in the Eyes of School Students and Their Parents

The article describes the results of an empirical study of the satisfaction of school students and their parents with the possibilities of intellectual development at school. The survey involved 994 students, 91 parents from 93 schools in the ^ Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation. The respondents answered the questions of the Google questionnaire.

The didactic role of metaphor in language teaching (Learning a metaphor in an English class)

The article focuses on the role of metaphor in the process of learning English as a foreign language, analyzes the domestic and foreign studies devoted to the metaphors used in the educational process, as well as the production and perception of metaphors by students in foreign language classes is carried out. Besides, the research contains the author's classification and samples of exercises on the topic "Metaphor" for intending translators.

Involvement of schoolchildren in the nature modern changes research in the areas of the ridge relief development

In order to ensure the students' abilities and value orientations formation, enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES) 2021, it is necessary to use the rich work experience of the education system, including experience in introducing students to research activities. The purpose of the article is to present a variant of schoolchildren attracting to search activities by the example of their connection to the establishment of modern nature changes in the areas of the ridge mountain relief development.

The structure of classification of students in accordance with specific characteristics

The article presents data showing the levels of needs in achieving the goals by 1st and 2nd-year students of a Technical University in Novosibirsk, attending compulsory physical education classes. The research reveals that the majority of students in health groups (special medical and basic) are characterized by an average level of the studied indicator: percentage of male students was 35.2 %, while female students — 45.9 % respectively.

To the question of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi contribution to the western philosophy of education

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical works of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. His merit to the Western and Russian education systems lies in the fact that, unlike the traditional educational and training program based on the content of the studied material, he placed the fundamental theory of primary education of children at the center of his pedagogical system, linked it with their upbringing and development, and then connected with production labor.

Some features of the presentation of innovative projects in the logic of the use of TIPS technology

The article discusses the features of the presentation of innovative projects in the logic of the application of the TIPS technology. The advantage of the algorithm for solving inventive problems over the trial and error method is described, despite the prevalence of which it is impossible to obtain, control and evaluate ideas for solving inventive problems.
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