Involvement of schoolchildren in the nature modern changes research in the areas of the ridge relief development

In order to ensure the students' abilities and value orientations formation, enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES) 2021, it is necessary to use the rich work experience of the education system, including experience in introducing students to research activities. The purpose of the article is to present a variant of schoolchildren attracting to search activities by the example of their connection to the establishment of modern nature changes in the areas of the ridge mountain relief development. The schoolchildren introduction to the identification л of modern natural components dynamics within their locality is part of the Research Program of the joint Reclamation Group, consisting of employees of universities and research institutions. The proposed option of schoolchildren involving |- in research activities was a logical addition to the mentioned Program, was developed taking into account many years p experience in organizing and conducting field research, including with the participation of students, and was created by the method of pedagogical design. The result is a project consisting of two organically interconnected sections. S The main content of the first one is the acquaintance of schoolchildren with well-known generalizations about the ridge relief and the significance of studies of modern nature changes within their locality. The second section presents О a variant of the schoolchildren action plan during field survey work. The possible consequences and prospects of the 5 designated project development for its participants are shown.
Keywords: small Motherland; Novosibirsk region; state of nature; search activity; work program.
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