Opportunities for Intellectual Development at School in the Eyes of School Students and Their Parents

The article describes the results of an empirical study of the satisfaction of school students and their parents with the possibilities of intellectual development at school. The survey involved 994 students, 91 parents from 93 schools in the ^ Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation. The respondents answered the questions of the Google questionnaire. Ill The questionnaire included questions about a) satisfaction with opportunities for intellectual development at school; ^ b) the need to expand school services for intellectual development; c) the need for intellectual achievements; d) У vision of ways of intellectual development of students. It has been revealed that students give a high assessment to the intellectual potential of the educational environment of their school. The exception is schoolchildren with high ® intellectual ambitions. These students are not satisfied with the developmental potential of the school. Parents show Stf less satisfaction with the intellectual developmental conditions provided by the school, but their assessments are rather satisfactory than unsatisfactory. Parents' concern is associated with the educational success of their children, to S maintain which they are willing to spend time, financial, and psychological resources. The study showed a high interest j£ of students in expanding opportunities and forms of intellectual development at school. In the field of intellectual О achievements, students often try to achieve those that provide social bonuses: awards, benefits for entering a university. Intellectual school competitions are one of the most common forms of demonstrating the intellectual achievements of schoolchildren and the resource that can enrich the educational environment of the school. The study showed general guidelines for the development of the intellectual potential of the school through the enrichment of the educational process with forms that stimulate the intellectual and creative activity of students.
Keywords.opportunities for intellectual development at school; intellectual potential; intellectual school competitions; intellectual achievements.
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