Form ation of university students ’ healthy lifestyle in physical education

In era of intensive development of Internet technologies and online education, the health of the modern generation raises a great concern. In these conditions, it is vital and extremely important to develop modern university students' healthy lifestyle in physical education. The aim of the current paper is to analyze and generalize the role of physical culture in the formation of modern students' healthy lifestyle in non-physical education universities. To solve this aim, the following tasks were set: to carry out a theoretical analysis of the problem, identify the reasons for the decline in the value of a healthy lifestyle among modern youth and make conclusion. The article provides the results of practical research based on questioning of the students of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. The author concludes that physical education can play an important role in the formation of university students' healthy lifestyle if the teachers use an integrated approach in teaching physical culture.
Keywords: healthy lifestyle; physical culture; physical education; health of the young generation; non-physical education.
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